Don't Pay More Commercial Real Estate Property Taxes Than Is Required - Tax Assessments Are Going Out Now
If your business took a hit in 2020, the taxable value of your commercial property may have gone down as well. Many businesses, like restaurants, have experienced steep declines in the value of their commercial real estate. Don’t pay more than your fair share. There is a good chance your tax assessment is too high. The attorneys at Visser and Associates, PLLC, have been handling tax appeals for years – with proven results.
Michigan law requires real estate to be taxed at HALF its Fair Market Value (FMV). The effects of COVID-19 may have substantially reduced the fair market value of your restaurant, retail or office property over the last year.
Your immediate savings may be substantial – and “locking-in” a new, lower taxable value for as long as you own the property will compound your savings for years to come.
If you think your real estate is over-assessed, our attorneys offer free evaluations. In some cases, they will represent you on a contingency fee basis and cover all upfront costs. You won’t pay any fees or costs unless and until they secure a tax refund and/or savings on your behalf.
The clock is running, so don’t wait. Most 2021 Board of Review hearings will be held in March and all commercial/industrial property tax appeals must be filed with the Michigan Tax Tribunal before June 1.